A downloadable Quick Bloodrush Demo


  In 2912, they came, and Earth was taken, put in an unknown territory with a verse number of planets. All planets were advised to summon their best fighter to represent their home on the Neon Interstellar Arena, known only as Retro Hell, with the promise of freedom if victorious and complete annelation if defeated. 

Humanity, among other planets, fought back, but they were weak, outnumbered, and overpowered. They yielded and were played with like puppets, forced to battle those they once called comrades like Beast “They think they can tame us, we will make them regret it! But for now, you are the best Earth has to offer. You represent us all. Good luck soldier for I do not envy you.” Those were the last words you heard from your commander before you were shoved into the interstellar portal.

Character introduction

“My name is Trevor, and I was chosen as Earth's last line of defense from absolute eradication. I do not know why I was picked, I am a washed-up ex-military-scientist who worked in co-ops, and maybe that's why, could be because I learned the code to time manipulation or that during prior invasion, I stood my ground as the only surviving cybernetic droid, I guess we will never know, In any case, I am here now, and I will be damn if I let someone take my home before I can go fishing. Defeat is not an Option.”


Retro Hell (Windows).zip 137 MB
Retro Hell (Mac).zip 133 MB

Install instructions

  1. Download the Zip file below
  2. Extract the file
  3. Launch the My Project 1 . exe file

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